The experts in the video start by explaining the components of air compressors and how they function. They go on to talk about the gauges of air compressors and how to properly read and analyze them. Viewers are then shown how to use the device’s regulator to modify the device’s pressure levels. These experts then discuss the fact that tools vary regarding their air pressure ratings, and they show people how to find and interpret those ratings.
People who are interested in choosing air compressors can use this information when they’re selecting one of these machines. They’ll have to consider the pressure ratings of the tools that they have and whether a given air compressor will meet their requirements.
Anyone who’s choosing an air compressor also has to choose one that isn’t too big or too small, and the experts in the video also talk about air compressors of different sizes. Viewers can see what a one-gallon air compressor tank looks like. A six-gallon air compressor tank looks dramatically different.
After seeing these air compressor tanks, people might find it easier to estimate the size of the air compressor tank that they’ll need. Here, people will also learn more about the different air compressor tank sizes that are available, which should help them narrow down their search to a degree.
Viewers will also learn about the Standard Cubic Feet per Minute measurement, which is regarded as one of the most valuable metrics related to high-quality air compressors. They’ll see some demonstrations that will give them a sense of what it’s like to use different air compressors.
The video features some discussion about air compressors and prices, along with some specific anecdotes. There are high-quality air compressors that only cost one hundred dollars or so, and there are air compressors that cost nearly two thousand dollars.
Some air compressors are noisier than others, and that issue also gets brought up during the video. Most people are going to want air compressors that are relatively quiet, especially if they’re planning on indoor home improvement projects. There are comparatively inexpensive air compressors that are not especially noisy.
Customers should also consider what it will be like to maintain their new air compressors, which is a topic that also gets mentioned in the video. The experts then go on to talk about oil-free devices and the devices that require oil, since both of these air compressor types have to be maintained in different ways.
Plenty of people will consider the air compressor accessories that come with different air compressor products. Customers might purchase separate air compressor accessory kits. The accessories may include everything from air hoses and reels to filters, couplers, valves, and regulators.