While it is nice to have a lush green lawn with beautiful landscaping, it is also important to practice environmentally responsible lawn care. Fortunately, with a little compromise and careful lawn care preparation, you can have both a beautiful lawn that is also a naturally healthy lawn. These lawn care tips will ensure that you are getting the most out of your lawn, without also harming the environment.
Water only when necessary
Lush green lawns generally require an ample amount of watering. However, water is a resource that is often taken for granted and watering your lawn too often can put a huge strain on the U.S. water system. A sustainable landscaping presentation by the U.S. Environmental Agency (EPA) estimates that watering lawns accounts for 30 to 60% of water consumption during the summer months. States that only have one, warm season, use even more water annually. Instead of watering your lawn on a schedule, only water it when it looks to need it.
Switch to a turf grass product
Turfgrass does not require as much water and can be better for the environment. The high durability of the turfgrass also does not need the same harmful pesticides that normal grass does. Finally, turfgrass can actually help to improve the environment. Turfgrass helps control pollution, trapping much of an estimated 12 million tons (10.9 million metric tons) of dust and dirt released annually into the US atmosphere. Turfgrass can reduce water usage and improve air quality. You will also find the low maintenance easier to keep up with.
Move to organic lawn care supplies
More and more manufacturers are learning about the harm chemical products can do to the environment. Today, you can find pretty much any lawn care product in organic form. Take a visit to your local home improvement store and browse the shelves for your organic product needs. You might be surprised to learn that there are even pesticides and plant foods that are entirely organic, meaning that they are much better for the environment. For additional assistance, you can work with an all natural lawn care service.
Use pesticides sparingly
Sometimes, pesticides are necessary. Garden pests can damage fruits, vegetables, and flowers. They can also wreak havoc on the lawn. Without pesticides, you might find it difficult to grow your own food sources or to have a clean backyard that you enjoy. If you must use pesticides in your lawn care practice, use them sparingly. Too many people overuse pesticides, putting larger quantities than they need. Close to 70 million pounds of pesticides (including herbicides) are applied to US lawns each year. This is approximately ten times the amount applied to American farmland, acre for acre. If U.S. households followed the same pesticide use as American farmlands, the environment would be in a much better shape.
Use landscaping to save on other environmental draining sources
Other household items also contribute to the poor condition of the planet. Using too many home utilities, such as heat or air, can also be harmful. With careful landscaping planning, you can actually significantly reduce your HVAC usage. Plant large trees by the windows and the shade will reduce your AC usage. Even switching to turf grass in your front yard can provide you with cooling properties.
Many homeowners are forced to decide between a beautiful lawn and being environmentally responsible. It is, however, possible to be both. Switch to more environmentally friendly grass products, like turf grass. Use only natural pesticides and lawn care products and still, use them sparingly. Reduce your water use and only water the lawn when needed. Finally, plan your yard?s landscaping to make the most of your heating and cooling units.