Three Red Flags to Watch Out For When Buying a House


Buying a house is a laborious process, but it’s well worth the effort. No matter how long it takes. The thing is, you can’t settle, either. It’s okay to compromise on some things, like having a big kitchen, but there are other problems you cannot overlook. Here are just a few red flags to watch […]

Choosing Between the Four Basic Types of Storm Windows


In recent years, many homeowners have successfully lowered their energy bills and improved the comfort of their homes through energy efficient window replacement projects, switching out their old, damaged windows for new, insulated products. But while the benefits of these window installations are attractive to most people, if you own an older home, you likely […]

Are You Using the Right Mulch for the Job?


When you have a flower bed that you want to keep looking nice, mulch is a good way to keep it that way as well as preventing weeds from growing. If there is a mulch service in your local area, this can help you get enough mulch to spread through your flowerbed or other landscaping. […]