Window cleaning and window washing is not a most loved task for most people. On the other hand, if your windows are cleaned consistently, the task won’t be as challenging, since dirt will not accumulate in large amounts. Window cleaning in the spring months gives you a chance to dispose of all that dust and dirt that accumulated throughout the winter months. You might additionally need to clean your windows after a storm that may have built up mud onto your windows. Check out some of the best window cleaning tips and the best way to clean window screens.
To start with, brush away any soil from the tracks and window frames. Get rid of those sticky webs by use a wire brush. You can also get rid of those dead bugs at this time. Next, vacuum the casing and tracks of the window frames, as well as both sides of the screens. Vacuuming is actually considered the most effective way to clean screens.
Mix together some warm water and some dish washing cleanser. Then, simply begin cleaning at those messy windows with this soap solution. After you have cleaned the windows, the following up with a clean water rinse.
To more effectively rinse those windows. Use a squeegee and some water and vinegar. About one tablespoon of vinegar for every half quart of water should give you the right solution for this step in window cleaning. After this step, you can then dry off the tracks and windowsills.
When cleaning the insides of your windows, here is what some consider to be the best solution as to the best way to clean windows without streaks. Mix up about quarter cup of vinegar with two cups of water in a spray bottle. Take some sheets of newspaper and fold them up. Spray the vinegar and water solution, and then just wipe away grime and dirt with the folded up newspaper.
With windows on upper flowers, you may consider hiring a window cleaning service. These companies will use ladders and other window cleaning tools to reach and effectively clean these windows. Of course, you can also hiring these window cleaning companies to clean all of your windows, so you can start enjoy that view once again.
Ger more information on this topic here.