Finding an air conditioning service that was willing to come out immediately was imperative. The fact that both the upstairs and downstairs HVAC systems quit the week leading up to your oldest daughter’s wedding meant that there was no way you could wait for the air conditioning service to come next week. The repair needed to happen immediately. Cost was immaterial; comfort had to come first.
Local air conditioning companies can be overwhelmed on the hottest days of summer. Scheduling back to back appointments and keeping to a schedule can be a challenge, but for the individual home and business owners, air conditioning service and air conditioning repair emergencies need a fast resolution. On the hottest days of summer, and on the biggest weekends of the year, heating and cooling systems are more than important, they are essential.
Air conditioning, heating, and every kind of electrical part of your home requires professional attention when it comes to repairs. Settling for someone who is less than professional means that you put both yourself and your property at risk. The fact that the heating, cooling and electrical work in your home stretches throughout your property means that a small mistake can quickly and easily turn into a very big problem. Consider these facts and figures about the heating and air conditioning service industry:
- A home?s cooling efficiency can decrease by as much as 30% if equipment is improperly installed.
- A home owner can save as much as 20% on home energy costs by replacing an air conditioner that is 10 years or older with a newer, more efficient model.
- Manufacturers recommend at least two service calls a year to make sure that an air conditioning and heating industry.
- Today’s air conditioners use nearly 50% less energy than these systems did in 1990.
- The world is positioned to install 700 million air conditioners by the year 2030, according to researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
- 43% of all the energy use in America is consumed by the process of heating and cooling buildings.
- Consumers who call a professional to perform routine AC maintenance have air conditioners that last 40% longer than the average unit lifespan.
- 75% of American homes have air conditioners.