As the years go by, citizens in the United States are more invested in protecting the environment which has lead to a number of changes. For instance, there are consumers that are driving electric vehicles so they can cut back on using gas. Other changes include using insulated concrete forms for a more efficient building process and an energy efficient building.
Insulated concrete forms, or ICF for short, are not a new way of building. As a matter of fact, ICF systems have been used around the world in construction for nearly 60 years. However, it is now coming to the forefront because it saves construction projects money and produces better results.
In the year of 1966, a Canadian contractor named Werner Gregori patented the first foam concrete form. It was measured at 48 inches long and 16 inches high. Now, the average ICF block is nearly 10 inches in terms of width. Here are all of the facts about the energy efficient insulated concrete forms building process.
More Efficient Building Process With Insulated Concrete Forms
Before a building is even constructed, the ICF building process is already working to be energy efficient. When this building process takes place, just about one row is constructed at a time. As a result, construction workers do not have to cut the end blocks to fit and can properly align them to reduce waste!
Another way in which the ICF construction process is energy efficient involves the amount of time involved and the cost. By using insulated concrete form systems, construction sites can cut the final costs on a property by an estimate of nearly $0.75 per square foot. Furthermore, ICF systems are usually going to cost 40% less than the conventional basement construction because of reducing the number of steps involved.
Better Building Results With Insulated Concrete Forms
ICF decking projects are going to weigh 40% less than traditional concrete flooring and also has better insulation as well. So it is quite easy to see just how much more energy efficient it is to build using insulated concrete forms as opposed to traditional building methods. Especially when buildings that are constructed with insulated concrete forms are six to nine times stronger than traditional buildings.
According to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, insulated concrete form walls can save homeowners 20% to 25% on annual heating and cooling costs. Plus, ICF construction is capable of protecting properties from natural disasters because they’re capable of withstanding 402 kph winds. So there are plenty of unique ways in which insulated concrete forms are not just energy efficient but are better at producing great results as well.
In Conclusion
Every single year there are construction sites that work towards building new projects that are either residential ventures or involve some sort of commercial goal. When these sites start working, they will want to be energy efficient so that they can save time and money. Thus, it only makes sense to invest in light construction materials like insulated concrete forms!