If you have a wooden deck you know that you have to make sure to maintain it. This is because there is a lot that can go wrong with a wooden deck. You have to make sure that every piece of the wood is protected by wood deck sealer for wood, you want to make sure that the sealer is in fact waterproof, and you want to then wash the deck with water to get rid of extra debris. All of this is to ensure that your deck not only look great but also stays strong and fully functional for years to come. But why do you do all this? Here is a list of 5 things that threaten your deck.
- The Weather
That’s right, you need to look out for the weather. This could be anything from rain, to hot sunny days, and everything in between. As such, waterproof coatings are a great idea for the wet seasons to protect your deck. In addition, the heat coming from a those warm summer days can also cause a problem with your wooden deck. Getting a wood deck sealer can hopefully protect your wood from a bit of the ray’s blast and keep the color from changing. - Old Age
Adding to that, the age of the wood can show in less time than you think. In fact, wood can start showing age within its first decade of life. As such, it would be best to get a wood deck sealer that can keep the color looking as fresh as when it came off the tree. You do not want the discoloration to show, so it would be best if you were to get something to protect it. Trust that a sealer can do the job and do the job right. - Ware and Tare
Of course, you also have to consider the fact that you have to watch out for any ware and tare of the wood as well. This is another place in which the paint sealer will shine. If you plan to have party guests, rambunctious kids, or pets with sharp claws walking all over your wooden deck you’d best believe that it’s a good idea to get a sealer on the wood. This protects your investment in the wooden deck and keeps it going for a lot longer than if you didn’t protect it. - Pool Chemicals
In addition, if you have a pool you also have to look out for the drops of water that will inevitably make its way to your deck. First off, protect your grill if you have it on the deck because the metals can get ruined by the chemicals in the pool water too. (Plus, look out for any damage the wood that the grill can cause). Those chemicals however can not only ruin your grill, but they can ruin your deck. As such, you should regularly hose down your deck, after applying the water sealer of course, and then you must clean it with commercial deck cleaner. This will hopefully get rid of any chemicals left over from the pool. Then you should rinse and repeat. Sealer, cleaner, stainer, cleaner, and so on. - Water
This is a mixture of the other notes on this list, but it should be mentioned all the same. You must make sure to watch out for water. This could be rainwater, snow, pool water, or any other type of water that can somehow find its way to your deck. When wood gets wet it can actually absorb that water. With that the water can feed fungi in the wood. Get enough water into it and you’ll be feeding a vast army of germs and rot just waiting to grow out of your wooden deck. To keep that from happening, you have to make sure to protect your deck to the best of your ability.
Your deck needs protecting and you might just be the person who can get the job done. All you need to do is know what threats are out there and what measures you’ll need to take in order to fix them. Get a wood deck sealer, make sure the deck is waterproof, and laugh in the face of the threats failing to ruin your backyard.