Air compressors are a great method of getting the power you need and being able to work around the house. New air compressors are more efficient than ever before and the best home compressor can do more than ever before as well. You can get the best low-cost air compressor at your local hardware store that can be used for a ton of different applications from driving nails to cleaning out small crevices. When it comes to buying an air compressor you do need to take into account what you are going to be using it for, what you want it to do, and what size compressor you need.
The best shop compressor for the money might not be what you need and the best small garage air compressor may fit your needs better. Taking your time when making an investment like buying an air compressor is going to result in your finding a compressor that works for you, that does what you need it to, and that does not break the bank. There are tons of compressors out there and being well versed in your compressor is also essential in keeping it running and making sure it is going to do what you want.
There are numerous uses for air compressors, and whatever your project may be that requires the use of a compressed air distribution system, you will want to make sure that you have all of the necessary parts in working order. Whether you need to power any number of different tools or fill gas cylinders or get a heating and cooling control system valve going, you want to be sure that you are using the right equipment.
Finding the right machine for your project
Air compressors are useful in a number of different settings. Essentially, any time that you need pressurized air to power something, whether it is high pressure or something lower, an air compressor will be helpful. Depending on the project and they type of compressor, you could be looking at a variety of different air qualities, noise levels as it is operating, and cycle lengths. The variety of sizes help you determine what you need, as some uses are to power something like a nail gun using a common type of positive displacement air compressor, while much larger machines would require dynamic air compressors, such as for centrifugal machines. If you need a positive displacement air compressor, chances are you will be using a rotary vane, a rotary screw, or a reciprocating piston air compressor. You also have the option of choosing between an electric compressor or one fueled by a gas or diesel engine.
Understanding the inner workings of an air compressor
For a typical positive displacement air compressor, the process of powering your project begins with air being pumped into the storage tank until it is as pressurized as it can be. At this point the machine turns off until that pressurized air is used, and when it is depleted the process of refilling the tank begins again. Part of ensuring a smooth process of using the compressor throughout the duration of the project is to make sure that the air compressor piping is working properly, and properly fitted with strut cushion clamps. Strut cushion clamps work to diminish unwanted noise, absorb some of the intense vibrations, and to stope galvanic corrosion before it even starts between metals in the machine. While your initial project may not have you thinking as in depth as getting strut cushion clamps for your machine, the air compressor pipes will do better in the long run.
The energy and savings of air compressors
While you may be required to think of things as involved and intricate as strut cushion clamps, you will also want to take a big enough step back to see the greater picture, such as the energy and and financial savings that you could be looking at as you use your air compressor. The United States Department of Energy, or the DOE, conducted energy audits that showed more than half of the small and medium sized industrial facilities using compressed air components could have significant low cost opportunities for conserving energy. Take into consideration the 80% to 90% of electrical energy that an air compressor uses that is converted into heat. With the right designs and heat recovery functions, a unit could recover from about 50% to as much as 90% of that heat in order to redistribute it for heating water or air.
On the other end of that, even the smallest leak could end up costing way more money than you are going to want to spend. You could end up spending over $1,000 more than you would otherwise, with a leak as small as a hole that is no bigger than one-eighth inch in diameter. It is definitely worth the time and money that it takes for proper maintenance of the machine to save in the long run. Know your air compressor and what you need before you start your project. You will make it easier on yourself, and help the entire project run much more smoothly from start to finish.