Do you get your air conditioner checked before every cooling season? If you don’t, you should. Cleaning air conditioners is a major part of increasing their life span, as air conditioning coils can become dirty, HVAC air filters are easily clogged, and other parts can rust and reduce the quality of air in your home.
But your air conditioning coil could be one of the most important parts of your HVAC system, as it is responsible for cooling the air that pass through the unit, as well as heating it during the winter time.
Here are a few reasons these you should clean your air conditioning evaporator coils.
- Loss of Efficiency. Over time, the coils in an air conditioning unit collect dust that the filter is unable to trap. As the coils become matted with dirt and contaminants, they are unable to sufficiently cool the air. Your unit will then have to work harder to maintain an optimum temperature in your house. The average American homeowner already spends about half of his or her energy bill on heating and cooling, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, and you don’t want to add to that cost.
- Avoid Replacement. The average two-ton model air conditioning unit is roughly $2,000, and if you need to replace yours, you could be looking at this charge, along with other fees if additional duct work is necessary. If the coils are left dirty, they may eventually stop working, requiring complete replacement. By investing in HVAC cleaning on a regular basis, you could be saving yourself thousands of dollars on replacement.
- Good Air Quality. You rely on your air conditioner to not only cool air, but also reduce humidity. As the warm air enters an air conditioning unit, the coils are responsible for evaporating the condensation from hot air, and in turn, you get cooler, drier air. If your coils are clogged, your home will likely be stickier than you want it to be.
So, cleaning air conditioner coils could be the key to keeping you and your family comfortable this summer. Visit here for more information.