Building your own home is a powerful thing.
There’s no shame in buying living room or kitchen furniture, of course. It’s a great way to support artists you love and save yourself some time! When you craft something by hand, though…it can truly change the way you look at the world. Should you be considering heading down the DIY homeowner route, you’re in luck. Now’s never been a better time to get down and dirty with the art of craftwork.
Think your bathroom or kitchen could use a touch-up? The cabinet is a simple enough place to start with an impressive range of benefits.
It’s Best To Start Out Simple When Building A New Skill
You might be tempted to go all out with your new goal. There are just so many avenues to explore! When it comes to developing a new skill, though, it helps to take a more relaxed approach. It’s estimated cabinets account for 40% to 50% of total kitchen remodel costs, according to a recent survey. They’re a popular first choice for their small size, short construction time, and relatively low probability of being mishandled…perfect for dreamy beginners!
The Bathroom Is Today’s Most Popular Renovation Spot
Where should you install a cabinet with childproof locks? The bathroom is a perfect choice for beginners and experienced renovators alike. Homeowners remodel a staggering 10 million kitchens and 15 million bathrooms every single year. According to a survey by Houzz master bathroom remodels cost around $11,000. The bathroom is a nice place to begin because it’s not too large, giving you just enough flexibility without tuckering you out.
You Can’t Go Wrong With A Kitchen Renovation
For those that want to take things a step further…the kitchen is where it’s at. The American kitchen cabinet demand is expected to hit an impressive $17 billion once 2021 comes around, so get started while the iron is hot. A cabinet with childproof locks can give you another place to store your plates or even decorative plants, if you so choose. That’s the great thing about DIY projects…you get to do whatever you like, whenever you like. One study revealed 50% of Millennials are more likely to choose white kitchen cabinets, compared to just 40% of Baby Boomers.
Cabinets Come In Many Different Shapes And Sizes
Do you want a small cabinet to store your tea set or a large cabinet with childproof locks? Are you interested in using several drawers or do you just want two basic door handles? Bring out your hidden creativity as you sort through the tools needed to make your concept a reality. Adjustable shelving hardware is a popular choice for parents that want to tweak on the fly. You can always try unique cabinet lighting, too, if the items housed inside need to shine.
Explore Your Artistic Side With A Splashy Design
Once your cabinet with childproof locks is set up? Go crazy with your hidden creative side! There are plenty of wonderful tools you can use to make your construction stand out from the rest. Acrylic paints are a flexible resource with permanent results — if you make a mistake you can always paint right over it, no problem at all. Additional resources, like cabinet latches and cabinet security, can be added to create a work of art all your own.
There’s nothing quite like crafting your home from the inside out. What could a new cabinet do to improve your home’s value?