Owning a home required repairs and upkeeps to keep the home in its best possible shape. You will notice overtime that things like the windows and the gutters need to be cleaned and repaired. In fact, every fall, homeowners should prepare the outside of their homes for the upcoming weather. Winter brings cold snow that can sit on the roof and the gutters, ice that can build up around the home and strong cold winds that could affect the windows and roof. It is important to make any necessary repairs and preparations for the cold winter weather.
Homeowners who are prepared for home maintenance are generally better off. They set aside a minimal amount of money each year to make these repairs. On average, homeowners will spend between 1 to 4% of a home?s value annually on maintenance and repairs, which tend to increase as the house ages. For a $200,000 home, that is at least $2,000 in repairs annually. However, if these repairs are kept up in a timely manner, homeowners will find that they are spending less on repairs and projects.
The roof is perhaps the most important part of the home. It not only keeps everything together, it also provides shelter and safety for the residents of the home. Without a safe roof, the adverse weather, such as rain and snow would leak into the house. Roofs take a lot of weight during the winter months, so preparing and ensuring that the roof is in good shape prior to winter is a great idea. Things like checking the downspouts and ensuring that the gutter installation is done properly are important. In normal circumstances, your roof should be inspected once or twice a year. The downspouts and flat roofs should also be continually checked and regularly repaired.
Another area of the home that should be checked before winter weather comes is the windows. The windows also play a very important part in the home?s shelter abilities. The windows keep out the cold and the heavy winds. They prevent the roof and the walls from taking on too much weight and pressure. The downspouts are also important in helping the windows stay in great shape. Some types of windows may even require additional repairs and checks, such as bay windows which tend to be larger. Custom windows and entry windows may also need to be checked and maintained more because of their size and their usage. Entry windows may be opened and closed quite frequently. It is import to check their insulation padding and their opening and closing abilities for safety. Windows are also important in keeping water outside of the home. As the snow from the roof melts, the downspouts send it down the side of the home. If the windows are not properly enclosed, the water could leak into the home, causing a lot of damage. Water damage costs an average of $2,386 to fix, with removing standing water at an average reported cost of $2,688. Wind damage is significantly more at $5,757, sometimes reaching $10,000 or more. Fire and smoke damage often reaches $4,172.
Owning a home requires repairs and preventative maintenance. If you are timely and consistent about your preventative maintenance, you will notice that you spend less on maintenance and repairs. The roof is one of the most important parts of the home, as it provides shelter to the residents of the home. The downspouts and the windows on a home should also be regularly checked and repaired to prevent leaking and additional damage to the home. A single water leak from a poorly repaired roof or windows can cause up to thousands of dollars of damage to a home.