To say that hurricanes are one of the most damaging natural disasters is truly and understatement. For example, those living in New Orleans and its surrounding areas are still grappling with the effects of Hurricane Katrina nearly 9 years later. Hurricane Katrina is infamously known as one of the most devastating hurricanes in American history. Claiming nearly 2,000 lives and costing over $100 billion in damage, the Category 5 hurricane served as a grim reminder for many of exactly how devastating hurricanes can be.
If live in or near a coastal region, it’s essential to know how to prepare your home for a hurricane. Hurricane home preparation is the key not only minimizing property damage, but most importantly, keeping your family safe. There is no secret to prepare for hurricane, however, preparation for a hurricane involves patience, organization, and most of all, time.
In order to prepare for hurricane, it’s best to begin preparation far in advance of hurricane season, which is typically between the months of August to October. Create a hurricane preparedness plan or guide and review it with your family. Your hurricane preparedness guide should include important information such as a designated meeting place in the event your family gets separated, the names and locations of shelters in the area, as well as the contact information of relatives and friends. Frequently review this plan with your family, especially younger children, ensuring they develop a “buddy” system.
Prior to hurricane season, it’s important to begin stocking up on non-perishable food items such as canned goods, as well as bottled and gallons of water, and ice. Also, be sure to stock up on other essentials, such as flashlights, radios, batteries, phone chargers, matches, and candles. Read this website for more information.