Once upon our collective history, fire was something magical and mysterious. Once our early ancestors learned that they could create it, and to an extent control it, it became a go to for many different uses. To this day, fire is something that we couldn’t live without. But, as anyone who has gotten too close can attest, it definitely still has that wild, dangerous side to it as well. Firefighters, whether battling flames in structures or in the forests and wild lands, have never been out of business. Fire is a useful tool that humans have learned to harness, at least to a point. But it must be respected for the powerful force that it is. Every year, in the dry, hotter months of the year, smokejumpers and trail crews work endless hours to fight back against Mother Nature’s fury that encroaches on human homes and animal habitats. And every day, there are structure fires caused by accidents, carelessness, or Mother Nature finding her way into civilization.
What you may be in for after a house fire
Anyone who has had the misfortune of going through the experience of having their house on fire would be able to attest to the roller coaster that is dealing with that fire and its aftermath. There is, of course, the initial panic of the knowledge of your home going up in flames. The first priority is the safety of the people and animals within the home, but once you start to relax knowing that everyone is safe, there is the devastation of losing your possessions, especially if there are many items of value or sentiment. But regardless of the fact that these are objects, this is the home where you have built at least part of your life, and there is no escaping the anguish and loss that you will feel seeing it engulfed in unforgiving flames.
However, the emotional ride doesn’t end once the flames have been extinguished. Depending on the magnitude of the fire, and how long it took to put out, there will be quite a bit of damage to deal with, both from the flames and from the excessive amounts of water used to put it out.
Actions to take after a house fire
It is important to take immediate action after a house fire in order to restore and preserve any part of the structure that is still standing and salvageable. House fire damage repair will often be very extensive, and while insurance can often help cover at least some of the damages, it will definitely be a very involved process. Unfortunately, house fire restoration will probably have to include assessing and dealing with interior water damage from the countless gallons that were used to douse those flames. Home water damage is a very serious thing, and if you don’t move quickly, you could be looking at mold removal as well, as mold can start to grow in the first 24 to 48 hours of an environment becoming wet and not being treated.
Putting out the invisible flames
Of course, among the first steps that you should take after a house fire is to ensure the health, safety, and wellbeing of yourself and your family. Getting checked out by your doctor for any signs of smoke inhalation or burns is the obvious first move, but there will likely also be some significant mental and emotional distress present as well, that should be addressed. And if there is extensive damage to the home, you will need to find a safe, comfortable, and reasonably convenient place to stay while your damaged house is restored to a livable home. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Letting stress like that go unchecked can do serious damage to you and your wellbeing in the long run.