Two car garage kits and other external structures can protect your vehicles from the weather if you do not have sufficient indoor storage space for them. If you have a house with no garage, a small garage, or just use your garage for other purposes, two car garage kits and carports can bring the space and functionality that you need to keep your cars protected.
Steel carports are a solid, low cost alternative to building or adding on to a garage. Often, if you live in a neighborhood, you probably will not have the land space to expand a garage even if you wanted to. Also, some vehicles can be difficult to store because of their size and shape, even if you have a large garage. Since they were introduced in 1910 by Pierce Arrow, RVs have become a common feature of the American lifestyle. Metal carports come in all sizes, so they make excellent storage areas for large and off sized vehicles like RVs, which are otherwise difficult to store and protect.
Steel itself is an excellent material for carports. Some people refer to steel as the “EnviroMetal” because it can be recycled over and over indefinitely without any loss to quality, unlike most materials. As a result of this, over 80 million tons of steel get recycled every year in North America alone. Steel is also one of the most versatile and important construction materials on Earth, being a significant part of the technological and construction advances of the Industrial Revolution. Now, this material can make hardy and low cost structures that give your house extra space and functionality. Whether you want two car garage kits or large RV carports, steel can build them and when your two car garage kits or other carports are damaged or worn out, you can sell them for recyclable scrap.