Radon is an odorless, colorless gas that causes lung cancer. Radon is caused by uranium breaking down in the ground. It’s a natural process impossible to stop. Radon accumulates in buildings. It has been found at high levels all across America. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends that before buying a new home or selling an old one, have it tested for radon.
Testing is especially important for older homes built before 1975. That is when regulations were put in place to decrease radon gas accumulation. Even if other homes in the neighborhood test out okay for radon, still get your home checked. Absolute radon levels differ from building to building.
Radon tests are often performed by a home inspector. You may wonder, “Can I do a radon test myself?” The EPA says, “Yes.” A cheap radon test can be purchased in a store or online for about $30. The EPA recommends testing the basement over any other part of the house since radon gas stays close to the ground.
If an at-home radon test indicates that there is too much radon in the house, what can you do? You can have radon traps installed in your basement. You can also have systems installed to better ventilate the home.
Radon, a dangerous gas, trails only cigarette smoking as the number one cause of lung cancer in the United States. Radon mitigation is an extremely important aspect of owning a home, running a business, or virtually anything else inside the walls of a physical structure.
There are radon testing contractors who can perform radon mitigation services to your home or building, but it’s important you first know what to look out for. Unfortunately, nearly one in 15 homes in the United States is projected to have radon levels that exceed the Environmental Protection Agency’s standards. This can cause serious issues for your health, the health of your neighbors, and the health of your entire community.
Here are a few things to keep an eye out in and around your home that could end up preventing radon or at least finding it in time for radon mitigation and abatement services:
- Water — Radon exists in groundwater so if your property has a water well make sure you get the necessary radon testing done before you expose your family to any dangers.
- Fireplaces — Radon forms when uranium begins to break down and releases gas into the air. Fireplaces and furnaces are great ways to speed up the radon process, so be careful around them.
- Air Vents — Your home’s ventilation system is also a hotspot for potential radon levels. Keep an eye out for any vent issues and get your home tested.
- Cracks in Foundation — Any small crack in the foundation of your home can lead to an infestation of radon. Since it’s a gas it can travel through even the slightest of cracks in the walls, ceiling, or floors of your home.
- Gaps in flooring — Like small cracks, large gaps are even easier for radon to pass through.
- Concrete Joints — Any concrete joints that are now 100% sealed can result in possible radon exposure. Be careful with the exterior of your home along with the interior.
- Areas Near Piping — Pipes inside your home, whether in the basement, attic, or just off to the side, can all be strong radon locations.
It’s important to continue to be vigilant against this dangerous gaseous chemical. Get the necessary radon testing you need from professionals if you believe your home might be in danger.