Fire rated windows and doors provide many benefits to the homeowners. However, the problem faced by fire rated windows suppliers that is the average homeowner does not understand the benefits or the difference in benefits between fire rated windows and doors and other options.
For an architect, selling the client on those benefits is an educational process. You must first explain the benefits in terms the homeowner can understand, create a comparison between fire rated windows and others, and then deliver the perceived value of the project.
That is, when talking to the homeowner, you need to figure out which benefit is going to sell them the most. You need to determine if the client will care more about the increased safety, increased home value, or decreased monthly expenses. While all these benefits are significant, most people will care about one slightly more than the rest.
Here are a few things you can tell your client to explain the advantages and gauge their response. First, in 2013 alone, there were 1,240,000 fires reported throughout the United States. There was a home fire reported every 85 seconds. While a house fire may feel like an unlikely problem to face, it is a real issue that is faced by people every single day. This is a significant selling point used by fire rated windows suppliers.
You can also tell them that replacing single-pane windows with Energy Star certified windows can save them an average of $126 – $465 a year on heating costs. Houses lose 15% to 22% of their heat through windows. Depending on where you live, any loss of heat can be pricey, and reducing energy consumption has taken priority among many Americans.
Part of the reason you have to sell homeowners on the better windows is because there is a clear price difference. However, there is also a significant difference in value which is what you need to educate them on. For example, windows with a Low-E coating cost 10% to 15% more than regular windows, but they will reduce the amount of energy being lost by 30% to 60%. That is savings the homeowner will see on their heating bills each month.
Fire rated windows suppliers can also provide you with ample information on the benefits and value of their windows, which can be used when communicating with potential homeowners. There is a broad range of options and metal window manufacturers that you can choose to work with. It is important to find steel framed windows that you like and that you are willing to stand behind and then work with the supplier to provide your clients the best value.