Getting the fire equipment checked in a commercial kitchen — restaurant, hotel, nursing home, school — twice a year can save a business or even save a life. Fires that burn unchecked in commercial kitchens are responsible almost $250 million in damages. An effective, modern kitchen fire suppression system is essential for safety.
Fire protection can be as simple as a fire extinguisher or as complex as a hardwired sprinkler or commercial kitchen fire supression system. Whether the solution to fire protection problems for commercial establishments is manual or automatic, having a professional assess the system and look for possible points of danger is considered to be essential.
Keeping fire extinguishers close at hand can prevent much of the damage caused by kitchen fires. They should be kept near the cooking areas and checked on a regular basis. Four out of five fires in commercial establishments were suppressed with a fire extinguisher, a recent study revealed.
Extinguishers can be highly effective against commercial fires when used correctly. However, manual kitchen fire suppression systems need to be stored within reach to be effectively used, and staff needs to be trained in emergency procedures.
It is essential, however, to get the correct fire extinguisher for the job. Some contain water, while others contain chemicals that are designed to fight different types of fires. Cooking fires differ from electrical fires; the recommendation is to consult a professional and tailor the equipment to meet and combat potential dangers.
Commercial kitchen fire suppression occurs over 20 times a day, all across the country. Obtaining service for fire extinguisher systems and making sure that restaurant fire equipment is up-to-date is mandatory for businesses concerned about customer safety and business longevity.
Since four out of 10 uncontrolled burns in restaurants begin at or near the stove, ovens, fryers, or other cooking areas, an effective kitchen fire suppression system is a commercial property’s best defense against tens of thousands of dollars in damages.