Let’s be honest, a garage has a tendency to become the dumping grounds of a home. If it doesn’t fit elsewhere, or it’s not regularly used, it always magically finds its way to the garage, where in many cases, it’s never seen again. But the garage should be serving its intended purpose, for parking cars, or at the very least, should have space enough to serve as a work space, or an organized, minimal storage space.
However, organizing a garage that has become a junk room can be a difficult task. The first step is to clear out all the unnecessary crap. Anything that’s trash, or that you haven’t used in years, or that no longer works, needs to go. Once you get that stuff out of the way, you can start focusing on the things that you are keeping.
If you have purchased wholesale garden tools, wholesale power tools, and wholesale hand tools, now is the time to find a home for each of these objects. Could the garden tools find a new home in a garden shed? Can you gather the power tools and hand tools together by your workbench?
For all of the other items you might have hanging out in your garage, from sports equipment, to holiday decorations, try to keep them in some semblance of order. Whitmor storage cubes will allow you to group like items with like, and keep things off of the floor. Whitmor wire storage cubes are strong enough to support heavier items, yet will not take up too much space for storage purposes.
A more organized garage will allow you more room to buy and collect more items to be stored there. While you certainly don’t want to allow the garage to return to its previously cluttered state, you do want to make the most of the space. You can buy auto body repair tools, for example. If you buy auto body repair tools, you can take better care of the vehicle or vehicles that you now have room to store in your garage. However, you can’t buy auto body repair tools until you have the room to store them.
Cleaning out your garage will open up all sorts of opportunities for you to make use of the newfound space.