If you’re renting a home, you need to be a good tenant. Otherwise, your landlord may kick you out, in which case you’ll need to find other homes for rent locally, or face being homeless.
Rather than let that happen, just be the best tenant you can possibly be. Here are a few tips to help.
Pay Your Rent on Time. – It shouldn’t need saying, but this list wouldn’t be complete without it. Good tenants pay their rent on time. Bad tenants don’t, and wind up needing to find another house for rent. It’s as simple as that. Though some landlords may be more kind than others, offering more flexible due dates, each one has their own breaking point. Don’t try to find it. Just pay your rent when it’s due, and be done with it.
Submit Your Maintenance Requests in Writing. – If you have an issue that needs fixing, tell your landlord about it in writing, the formal way. Just write a note telling them the problem, and hand it off to them along with your rent check. It’s as simple as that. If it’s something bigger and more urgent, you can also call, but if you need a door knob fixed or a window repaired, submit it in writing. If it’s something small, like a light bulb going out, just do it yourself. Don’t waste your landlord’s time.
Don’t Break Your Lease. – The lease you sign before renting a home is a legal document, and should be treated as seriously as one. Typically, people only think about breaking the lease in bigger ways, such as moving out earlier than agreed, but there are smaller points that count, too. Read over your lease, and see what it says. While most landlords won’t evict someone over something small, they will get annoyed with the tenant. Just do yourself a favor, and don’t break the lease. You may not need to worry about looking for other rental homes if you do, but it’s never a good idea. It’s better to ask permission for something than forgiveness.
When you’re renting a home, do yourself and your landlord a favor, and just be a good tenant. If you have any questions, feel free to share in the comments.