In the United States, the pest control industry is surely going strong. There are more and more companies that utilize these types of pest control companies to try and curb the dangers of infestation when it comes to rodents, insects, and other creatures. As a matter of fact, the United States has nearly 27,000 businesses currently operating within the industry of pest control.
The pest control industry is one that definitely contains gopher services. What is incredibly impressive is that this industry is truly projected to grow over the next couple of years as well. Experts have projected that by the year of 2020, the pest control industry in the United States is predicted to generate nearly $13 billion in revenue. However, it is important to make sure that the gopher services hired are human and safe.
From 2012 to 2017, the pest control industry in the United States has grown by 3%. This is great but again, it does not mean that people should not look for gopher services that are going to be safe and respectful towards the animals they are trying to control. Here are some random facts on gopher services.
Gophers typically breed only once or twice a year, usually in the springtime with three or four offspring per litter. Young gophers are weaned and ready to establish their own burrows by the time they are five weeks old. This type of information shows that just because some view these animals as rodents or pests, they are animals trying to lead lives of their own. Thus, the gopher services hired by business owners need to humane and respectful.
Of the 34 different species of pocket gophers found in the western hemisphere, 13 reside in the United States. As a result, this means that gophers are a little rarer in the United States as opposed to other places. As a result, these animals must be treated well and must be properly handled by the gopher services that are hired by a business.
There are obvious locations like golf courses that want to maintain their grass and plants. While gophers are sweet little animals, they will eat grass and plants all across golf courses and that will hurt the bottom line of said golf courses. As a result, golf courses are the most common places for gopher services to be utilized.
Some people may want to try and eliminate gophers but again, this has to be handled in a humane manner. The process by which gopher services remove gophers or trap gophers can be done in a way that is safe and relocates these animals to a better location. For instance, they can use a net for gopher trapping that is going to let them be safe and healthy while being transported.
Gophers consume around 60% of their body weight in vegetation every day. They love to eat roots, herbaceous plants, trees, shrubs, grasses, and forbs. Gophers make their homes in burrows that consist of many tunnels. These tunnels can reach 200 to 2,000 square feet. The average lifespan of a gopher is between one and three years.
In Conclusion
Every year there are business and locations that hire the work of gopher services to help them get rid of any pesky gophers. It is essential that these businesses find services that are human and compassionate towards these animals. That way, no animals will be harmed in the process and there is still a helpful removal of the gophers!