A lot of people might not understand what goes into being an electrician. Because it does not necessarily require a college degree, many people might not have as much respect for the profession as professions that do require this degree. However, the truth is that it sometimes takes a lot to become an electrician, and they can make a good amount of money once they are established in the field. Electricians do a very important job for people, and they should definitely be appreciated for both their effort and everything that they are able to help people with.
If you are interested in becoming an electrician, there are some things that you might want to know about the position. For example, you might be interested in learning about the average electrician rate per hour. You might also have several questions, such as, can you become an electrician without an apprenticeship? You might also want to know about different electrical positions, such as being a company electrician. Regardless of what you want to do as an electrician, there are many different positions that are available, and you can match up with a company that fits your lifestyle or work as an independent contractor.
When’s the last time your lights went out or your air-conditioning stopped working? Few mundane occurrences are more frustrating than when you need power and nothing happens when you flip the switch or press a button. Even worse are the dangers that are involved when your electricity is faulty — an estimated 47,000 fires were reported in the U.S. in 2011 alone due to electricity malfunction. Not only do you want to get done what needs to be done, you want to be safe! Keep reading to learn more about electrical problems, electrical repairs and when to call a professional electrician.
Important Statistics
Did you know electrical fires cause up to $1.5 billion in property damage every year? The Consumer Product Safety Commission has estimated that ground fault circuit interrupters could prevent more accidents and damage in the future. Hundreds of electrocutions happen each year and AFCIs could prevent as much as two-thirds of them on average. The reasons to call a professional electrician are vast and ever important, from maintaining your appliances to keeping you, your loved ones and even pets (cats and ferrets, for example, are known to chew on wires) safe. Now when should you call a professional?
When To Call An Electrician
There are over 500,000 professional electricians working in the United States alone, so you should have no problem finding a qualified electrician. Experts have recommended inspections should be done for homes ten years or older, especially if major renovations or new appliances have been recently added. If your home is forty years or older an even more thorough inspection may be required, as some of the wiring could be out-of-date with more updated technology. Wiring, bulbs and related equipment are the most commonly inspected factors and potential hazards are better diagnosed with a pair of experienced and certified eyes. Now that you know when to call a professional electrician, what will you do to keep you and yours safe?