Generally, trees are seen as assets on a property. They increase home value, provide shade and even increase heating and cooling efficiency when properly planted. They also renew the air supply and prevent soil erosion. But sometimes, it’s necessary to have trees removed. Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the process:
When and Why Should Trees Be Removed?
Despite trees’ many benefits, there are times when tree removal services are appropriate. If a tree’s roots are lifting up walkways, or threatening infrastructure such as foundations and pipes, then it should be removed. Damaged or dead trees should also be removed: They can house pests, become fire hazards, and threaten people and structures with falling limbs. Diseases can also spread from tree to tree, threatening any near by.
What Are the Alternatives to Tree Removal?
When a tree is in the process of dying (showing signs of sickness such as blackening or lifting roots), a combination of trimming and attentive care can save it. If the tree is less than 50% dead and most of the damage is in the limbs, rather than the trunk, then this is a viable alternative to removing it. When making a decision, you’ll want to weigh the relative costs of each route. Even cheap tree removal isn’t always cheap; tree removal costs range anywhere between $150 and $1,500 depending on the size, condition and location of the tree. However, nursing a severely sick tree back to health can be just as costly and time-consuming. In that case, it could be a better option to remove the tree and plant a healthy one in its place.
What’s the Deal With Cedar Tree Removal?
You may have heard of cedar clearing programs in your area. Certain trees are known to be problem trees, and cedars are among them. These trees, introduced into much of the Midwest during the Dust Bowl to serve as windbreaks, are now the subject of significant concern. They’re extremely prone to fire, serving as a major fuel source for destructive wildfires. They also deplete groundwater resources, needing up to 40 gallons of water each day. There are some cedar tree removal programs in certain communities, or you can call a private tree removal company in your area. Other problem species you should investigate include box elder, mulberry, poplar and maple.
What other questions do you have about tree removal? Join the discussion in the comments.