Winter is the time when many do-it-yourselfers tackle some of their long waited projects. From installing bamboo fllors to exploring an alternative to traditional hardwood floors, there are many times when the cold days of winter provide a great time to tackle a project that otherwise might be difficult to finish. When summer weather arrives there are plenty of things that you want to do outside. In the winter, however, there are many times when the cold, the snow, and the ice can keep you from getting outside.
Knowing how to install bamboo flooring and complete other kinds of do-it-yourselfers projects not only helps you save money, it can help you make the best use of time during the coldest months of the year. With the latest eco-friendly materials, in fact, it is tempting to make many changes in your home that are both maintenance free and good for the environment.
Are You Getting Ready to Tackle a Do-It-Yourself Project at Your Home?
The U.S. flooring industry reported growth of 3.85% in dollars and 3.2% in volume from last year, and many of these monies were spent on do-it-yourself projects. From flooring options to painting projects, there are many things that you can do when you are attempting to stay busy during the cold, winter months.
As one of the most popular new flooring options, there are many times when bamboo flooring is the perfect option. Bamboo is made from natural vegetation, so the bamboo plant is a highly renewable resource as it is able to grow to maturity in as little as three to five years. In cohHardwood trees can take upwards of twenty years or more to reach maturity. In comparison, hardwood trees, which is used for most traditional wood floors, can take as long as twenty years or more to reach maturity.
In the summer there are many things that can help you stay busy. In the worst of the winter months, however, there are many times when there is little more to do than stay inside. With the latest do-it-yourself projects, however, you can actually accomplish a home improvement project that can add value to your property.