The average person’s interest in windows extends only as far as the question, “Are they big enough?” Beyond that, windows are usually thought of only in terms of their aesthetics. Yet there are plenty of reasons to take an interest in one’s windows besides out of a vain impulse or a sudden enthusiasm for defenestration (please don’t). So what are some of these reasons?
15% to 22% of energy loss in the average home occurs through windows. Whether because they’re leaky, hard to keep closed or just plain old, some windows just won’t keep the energy in. Metal window manufacturers can recommend many metal window options that may help with this, such as thermally broken steel windows, which are packed with insulation. Get Energy Star certified windows to save $126 to $465 a year compared with standard single-pane residential metal windows.
Metal frame residential windows are a great choice that pair well with old historic houses and more modern dwellings alike. In addition, many metal frame residential windows are quite structurally sound? three times stronger than aluminum. Hot rolled steel windows, in particular, are some of the best metal frame residential windows available, since they are 100% recyclable and often made in the United States.
Every 13 seconds, a home intrusion is committed, and 30% of these are through an open or unlocked window or door. As such, buying windows that keep out the bad guys is highly advised.
Equally important is having fire rated windows and doors? in 2013, there was one home structure fire reported every 85 seconds. Having windows that you can escape from, or have a firefighter enter or exit through, is crucial to having a fire-safe home.
With these window-related suggestions, you will be prepared for fire, home intrusion, energy conservation and aesthetic judgment. Aren’t you glad you learned a little something on the subject of windows? Let us know in the comments below.