Maintaining a beautiful home is a lot of work. It requires you be proactive, always keeping an eye on your foundation and regularly doing minor repairs to ensure you don’t end up spending excess money over the year. It also necessitates an artistic eye, relying on the ever-evolving tastes of the homeowner to maintain its beauty when age threatens to take it away. Outdoor fireplaces are fast becoming the go-to option for homeowners who want to give their home a touch-up that will stand the test of time. If you’re looking for landscape design ideas, such as outdoor fireplaces or outdoor patios, keep reading below to give you a better idea of where to get started.
How Many Homeowners Renovate Their Home?
Ongoing surveys have been conducted to analyze the trend of homeowners across the country and which projects see the most attention. For starters, the majority of homeowners upgrading their outdoor spaces prefer to address their backyard first at nearly 65%. The recent purchase of a home is one of the most common reasons for tending to outdoor spaces. Beautiful and well-organized spaces have been found to positively impact mental and emotional health in the long-term, discouraging the onset of depression and leading to healthier sleeping habits.
How Do Homeowners Renovate And Redecorate?
Although many prefer do-it-yourself methods, this can vary depending on the project at hand. It’s been found three in five homeowners prefer to enlist the help of a professional during their substantial outdoor projects, particularly the ones that require a complete overhaul. Most homeowners choosing to upgrade their outdoor spaces try to make changes to one or more of the outdoor systems, with lighting being a common choice for its practicality and ambiance. Patios and terraces follow close behind at 43% of the most popular changes.
What Are Common Preferences?
While every homeowner has their own vision in mind for their house, there are common preferences that tie many together. For example, over 70% of homeowners cite ‘easy to maintain aspects’ as the most important and valued elements of a good outdoor space. Excess maintenance and constant cleaning can really frustrate people in the long run and, as such, remain a less popular choice for many.
What Are Common Statistics?
Outdoor spaces are one of the most beloved elements of a good home. They’re where you get together with family and friends to relax over the weekend and they provide a personalized little slice of nature when you need to kick up your feet after a long day’s work. Over half of all homeowners who are upgrading their outdoor spaces spend at least six hours there per week on average, if not more. The Husqvarna Global Garden Report has shown 60% of potential buyers willing to spend more on a home that has ‘good green spaces’, with another 34% finding good cultural venues a noticeable draw.
Where Do I Get Started?
For homeowners looking to get their start in landscaping, seeking out the most popular options can be a good way to get started. Outdoor fireplaces are considered both beautiful and practical, providing a warm haven for the colder months when you still want to experience the outdoors. Custom stonework can be a wonderful way of giving your home a rustic feel, from sprucing up your sidewalk to bolstering your steps. The IBIS World Market Report has shown the landscape services industry having yearly revenues of nearly $80 billion. When it comes to creating a beautiful home, only you have the touch it needs to truly shine.