Did you know that, according to the Huffington Post, 60% of employees will come to work sick? This can have a bad impact on your workplace productivity. Not only do employees tend to do sub-par work while they’re feeling ill, but coughing and touching common surfaces can quickly spread pathogens from person to person, causing an even greater loss of productivity.
Although you can discourage this from happening by providing your employees with ample sick days and by encouraging them to stay home while sick rather than powering through, to some extent there’s no way to keep all disease out of your office. For this reason, it’s important to have great cleaning solutions available. Do you need commercial cleaning services? Here are three things you should keep in mind.
1. Why You Should Hire a Commercial Cleaning Business
There are some businesses that will try and hand off cleaning tasks to their workforce. In some industries, this works out okay. In others, though, it’s a disaster waiting to happen. In food industries, cross-contamination is a constant problem. In fast-paced work environments, cleaning is often seen as a less important task for employees to complete since they’re more likely to be graded on how quickly they service customers. Hiring a commercial cleaning company to do the work for you takes the responsibility out of your hands, and puts it into the hands of someone who provides expert cleaning solutions at an affordable price.
2. Parts of Your Company Might be More Dirty Than You Realize
Many office environments make use of carpeting — it creates a comfortable environment for employees, and insulates against noise and some heat. Wall-to-wall carpeting is often home to molds, mildew, and bacteria that feast on the dust, crumbs, and shed skin that are constantly finding their way into the carpet. The average carpet has about 200,000 bacteria per square inch — this makes it about 4,000 times dirtier than your average toilet seat. Commercial carpet cleaning equipment can go beyond what a vacuum can do and ensure that your floor is not contributing to an unhealthy office environment.
3. What You should Look for in a Commercial Cleaning Company
There’s always the old adage of “the maid did it” lurking in the back of our minds. To be fair, most thefts blamed on cleaning services end up being a case of misplacement. In order to ensure, though, that you can trust your cleaning service whether they’re there during the workday or cleaning after hours, look for a company that does background checks on their employees and has a low-turnover rate, guaranteeing that they actually know and trust the people they employ.
Are you looking for a commercial cleaning company for your business? Let us know about your search in the comments.
Find more on this topic here: www.desertoasiscleaners.com