Redecorating your home may be easier than you thought it was. Giving it a new look and an update isn’t exactly as difficult as calling a contractor and having them come and rebuild your home entirely. At least not when DIY wall planks are an option in updating your space and giving you a new look and feel without the hassle of contractors and plans that could take months and even years to finish. If you’re looking for a simple fix to all of your problems than maybe it’s time to get to decorating your home in a whole new manner. Here are a couple ideas that go right along with these peel and stick planks.
Adjusting your Walls
With interior wood plank walls you add a whole new look to the rooms that you’re so tired of being exactly the same. With peel and stick paneling it’s as easy as having someone to help you hold these wooden panels to your walls and self adhering them all yourself. Give your room a brand new look without the hassle that comes along with taping and painting. With a new and different texture added into the room and all it’s a fresh change from simply throwing a new color up.
Adding Texture To Your Backsplash
Need a new look to your kitchen? How about self adhering wall planks that quickly give any room a new and different look. With DIY wall planks all you have to do is measure them to be exactly what you need and put them right into place without screws, saws, or anything else on hand. With this new and fun look your guests will wonder when you had all of the work done to your home without so much of a hassle when it came to complaining about it.
A Different Look To Furniture
Tired of your headboard? Why not add some DIY wall planks to your usual bed frame and give your bed an entirely new and fun look without shelling out thousands of dollars on a new bed set? With this quick and simple fix your bed can be that fun and inviting place that you always imagine it as, only with a new look that didn’t break the bank and that you can even say that you really did put together yourself with only another hand of help to help you line up the boards perfectly.
Worn Out Stairs?
Do your stairs look as if they’ve seen better days with scuffs and marks all over them that make you uncomfortable? Shiplap planks could turn them into something elegant and new looking without the frustration of measuring everything out and carefully evacuating your house so that the fumes of any sealants don’t damage your lungs. Turn your stairs into something new and clean looking with just a simple peel and stick of wooden panels. It’s that easy to fix up those worn and used stairs of yours.
The next time you’re trying to decide how to add something new to your home and yet don’t want to go all out with the redecorating process DIY wall planks are here to make your life easier and give you a new option to the same old thing. They can even help the environment by not killing hardwood trees that can take more than 20 years to mature enough to use. Take a look at the over 14 billion home looks on pinterest and decide if peel and stick wood could be just the item that your home has been missing to give it a new and deserving look that you’ve been looking for.