Fires are unfortunately quite common in restaurant kitchens for numerous reasons. The heat, combined with a fast dinner rush, and employee slipups can lead to disaster for everyone involved. There’s nothing you can do about the human error aspect of this, but why not do what you can to ensure that your establishment has the fire equipment it needs to keep your employees and consumers safe? Read on for three simple ways that you can help ensure everyone’s safety, no matter what the situation.
Invest in Fire Equipment
About 57% of fires in restaurants involve cooking equipment, and 41% begin in cooking areas and kitchens. In addition, cooking equipment involved the most includes deep fryrs (9%), ranges (7%), and other cooking equipment (5%). So it should be obvious that you should focus on providing fire equipment specifically around those areas, with other equipment also scattered throughout. Having this equipment on hand makes a huge difference!
Regular Inspections
It isn’t enough to just purchase the fire equipment and then forget about it. You need to have it regularly inspected to make sure that it stays in working order. You don’t want to purchase the equipment, leave it, and have something happen a couple of years down the road when things may not work anymore. Call someone in for a simple inspection at least once, if not twice per year.
Have a Plan
In case there ever is an issue in your restaurant, you absolutely need a plan to either get something small under control, and to evacuate if needed. A great way to prepare for things like this would be a restaurant fire suppression system, in order to minimize damage.
Can you see just how important this equipment is in running something like a busy restaurant? Do you have these rules in place at your own establishment? If you don’t, what’s stopping you? See this link for more.