If Your Basement Floods, Here’s What You Do

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If Your Basement Floods, Here’s What You Do


Flood affected areas

Everyone knows just how unpredictable nature can be. One second, it’s 75 and sunny, the next, you’re up to your neck in rain. If your home has residential drainage issues, it could result in a basement flood. With these kinds of floods, time is of the essence. To avoid the storm water damage and the mold buildup, according to the EPA, you’ll need to dry your space in 24-48 hours. Here are some things to remember when drying out your basement.

Let it go – If you had belongings that got soaked when your basement flooded, you’re probably going to have to get rid of them. It can be hard, but porous materials like paper and fabrics can lead to extreme mold infestations. As sad as it is to see your belongings go in the trash, you’ll be thankful when they don’t invite the mold.

Dry it out – Get your fans out and start drying! The key to getting your basement dry is all about air circulation. When you set up your fans, do so in a way that creates a little wind tunnel to grab all those tricky corners and spaces that need extra attention and air-flow.

Get ready – The next time you’re faced with residential drainage issues, don’t be caught unawares. Waterproofing your basement and looking into wall and floor sealing can help you get ahead of nature and its unexpected plans. Some of these methods are as simple as painting your walls. And it can save you the extra hassle and cleanup if you ever do have another basement flood.

Home damage due to storms can be a serious pain. But it doesn’t have to be, if you know what to expect and how to fix it up yourself.

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